My grandkids always want to try what they see us creating and the results of our clay adventures looked enticing to them. Since the polymer clay requires hand strength to condition it (make it softer) I was not sure they would be able … Continue reading
Tag Archives: play
My daughters are amazing. They see a mound of dirt, and the joy that they can find in it is incredible. Quite often as adults (or at least I have), we look at the dirt and either 1) Think nothing … Continue reading
If you have not heard of the stick bomb, please stop what you are doing and go to the store and buy the wide craft sticks. After you find out what it is, you must do it! Here’s our first … Continue reading
Today is our 100th post at In a Tickle! We are so excited to have brought this many posts to you, and we look forward to many more. A lot of people do a top ten kind of thing sharing … Continue reading
“…become humble as this little child…” Matthew 18:3 My kids saw a pile of dirt on the driveway at Grandma and Pa’s house this spring. They plopped down and started drawing pictures with their fingers and with sticks. They didn’t … Continue reading
I recently saw the following picture online and showed it to Ninja Boy. He was amazed and said he didn’t think he could ever build something like that. I told him I believed he could and he just needed to … Continue reading
The other day, a good friend of mine and her kids came over to play at our house. She has the sweetest girls and a precious boy. The girls are old enough to be in the stage where they say … Continue reading
This week is our first Real Me Monday, and I get to share an oops turned into somewhat success. I at least finished the project and Ninja Boy likes it, so I guess that’s success enough! The process though was … Continue reading
Today is an exciting day! Yes, it is April 1st. The day people get to say whatever they want and follow it up with “April Fool’s!” The day where people everywhere try to trick their friends and families with news … Continue reading