We just passed another milestone at in a Tickle. The previous post was our 400th blog post since we started 26 months ago. We are amazed to have found that many things to write about! When we started, if someone had told … Continue reading
Tag Archives: creativity
You might be wondering why it seems to be so quiet at In A Tickle the past couple of weeks. I’d love to say we were all on vacation at some tropical beach, but that’s not the case. We’ve actually … Continue reading
Inspiration is not always something that naturally begins within us. Do you often feel stuck when it comes to starting a project? Do you stare blankly at the page or fabric and feel absolutely uncreative? Just because you feel this … Continue reading
Now that it is fall, Mom and I decided to take another trip to Silver Dollar City to meet some new and old friends from the crafters that set up booths for the fall festival. We got to talk to Dennis … Continue reading
Last week Melinda and I opened up our creative play time to some other ladies who were longing to do something creative. We first read through our Declaration of Creativity to get in the right mindset for creating. Our activity … Continue reading
Have you tried gelli plate printing yet? If not, you are missing out on hours of creative fun. Several weeks passed since I played with my homemade gelli plate and I got inspired. I picked several different types of leaves … Continue reading
I have often looked down the isle at the craft store displaying clay and sculpting supplies and wondered where to start. I’ve even watched a few videos online about various techniques. Learning how to make things using this meduim has … Continue reading
Wherever I go, I am drawn to look for things in nature that will inspire me for future creativity projects. On our North Shore vacation I took more photos of nature than I did of the people I was with … Continue reading
I like to draw and want to increase my drawing skills. Like anything else, getting better at something means you have to practice. So lately I have been trying to do more sketching of things– objects, landscapes, plants, etc. But … Continue reading
This tub looks like it is ready for the 4th of July.But what to do with it the rest of the year? It doesn’t really fit my decor. Actually, I picked it up at a thrift store with the intention … Continue reading