In this day of all manner of technological devices at our fingertips, many of us probably seldom pick up a pen or pencil. We type on the computer keyboard and chase an arrow around the screen with our hand on a mouse. Then we swipe, text, and tap on our touch screen, tablet, or phone. Even at the store, we are signing our names with a stylus on an electronic signature pad (which, by the way, never ends up looking like my signature!)
Today, I want you to dig through your desk or kitchen junk drawer to find a pen or pencil and a piece of regular size paper. You might want to take an extra scrap piece of paper- like an old envelope or piece of junk mail and just draw some lines to get used to the feel of the pen or pencil in your hand again!
Now take off your “I’m an adult and don’t do these kinds of things anymore” hat and let’s get started!
Take your piece of paper and fold according to the photos…
Start with the first box and ignore the rest. I know a big piece of paper can be intimidating to draw on at first, so we are going to doodle in little boxes one at a time! In the first box draw some straight lines. Let your creativity out and draw some lines. Relax, there is no right or wrong. Just have fun!
When you are finished with the first box, move onto the next box and draw circles.
Below is a suggested list of themes for each box. You can always go back to earlier boxes to add more to them as your creative juices start flowing!
1. Lines
2. Circles
3. Diamonds
4. Zig-zags
5. Squiggles
6. Swirls
7. Paisleys
8. Triangles
9. Stars
10. Scales
11. Waves
12. Spikes
13. Squares
14. Drops
15. Flowers
16. Hearts
Moms, Dads, and Grandparents, this is a great activity to do with your kids. It might help you to relax and let the creativity flow as you watch them draw with abandon.

Ninja Boy is very meticulous with his drawing because he has so much detail that he wants to include.

You can even draw with a toddler on your lap!
Even though we were both looking at the same list of items to draw in each box, as you can see from our finished pages, we each created differently!
Did you have fun with this drawing activity? Do you have any suggestions for more Doodle Box prompts? Try doing it again tomorrow and see what new ideas your creative mind comes up with for each theme.