We love sharing what other crafters do, and the fall festival at Silver Dollar City is a great place to find out more of what others create. We met an enthusiastic lady who makes a unique kind of jewelry.Suzette Nesbitt, also known as “The Rowdy Blonde,” used to be a hairdresser. She loved it. However, it’s a business that is hard on the body, and she never wanted to be an old hairdresser. She wanted something new she could do. Suzette grew up drawing and doodling, so art has always been in her blood. She tried pottery, weaving, sewing, and painting, but nothing stuck. At least not until a friend in Arizona who is a jeweler taught her how to make jewelry. She found that she loves it!
She doodles on silver, bronze, or copper with a sharpie. The sharpie acts as a resist, so when she puts the metal into acid, the metal gets stripped away everywhere but where the sharpie was colored onto it. She has to be careful not to let it sit in the acid too long though or the metal will completely disintegrate.
She cuts out pieces and cold connects them with rivets. The rivets then become part of the artwork of the piece. After it is complete, she coats it with a clear lacquer.
Suzette is inspired by absolutely everything, especially nature. You can see in some of her pieces a connection to the sea and to flowers and plants. She loves to teach and is interested in doing classes someday. She has already taught a few others what she does and loves to see how they make it their own.
We didn’t get as many good pictures as we wanted, but you can check out all the beautiful pieces of jewelry at her website.
Thanks, Suzette! You make beautiful jewelry!
hey suzette i met you the first day in dallas at the deep ellum art festivali i am the african american woman who talk to you about your earrings, you may not remember i really love your work, i make a little revit jewelry, i would sometime like to get a piece of your jewelry, money is not avilable for jewelry right now but some day i hope you had a good show in dallas keep making pretty Art Ruth