- Ready for another Fall festival crafter from Silver Dollar City? This time we talked to another basket maker. We enjoyed seeing the different styles and techniques from the one we saw at the Folk Center in Arkansas.
Robbie Wisdom has been a basket maker for 24 years and has been a part of the fall festival for 11 years. My dad met her several years ago while singing with his trio, The Sons of the Silver Dollar. They became friends and made some exchanges of baskets and CD’s. Mom has a few baskets around the house made by Robbie because of it.
Robbie had a good friend that taught her how to crochet and then how to knit. After her friend took a basket weaving class, she taught Robbie how to do that too. She loved it and kept making them. She doesn’t use patterns for her baskets. She knows the skills and makes whatever she can come up with.
Robbie can make custom orders (which I am glad because I need a sewing basket for Miss Tickles like My Princess’). She will also do classes on how to make baskets. Contact her by emailing wisdombaskets (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Robbie likes adding fun and colorful designs to her baskets.
Thanks, Robbie, for talking with us!
Along with Mike & Sue Sears my husband, Charles & I also know this sweet lady! She was also a neighbor of ours for several years while
we were vacationing in Branson. We love Branson & we go every year
during the Craft Festival & stay several weeks! Robbie, Sue & I had
a day of shopping recently! Her baskets are beautiful, it is so hard
to just choose one or two!!!!
Thank you “in a Tickle” for the very nice Blog I shared it non facebook.
And June thank you my friend for your comment.. Lunch and shopping was nice Hope to see you nwext year…
Robbie, my friend June sent me these pictures and I love your baskets! Especially the stair basket and the one with blue(which is my favorite color) and curlies on it. Maybe one day I will get to go to Branson and get to meet all of June’s friends. Sounds like a nice trip. Someday! Blessings to you, Ann
Thank you Ann Look forward to seeing you someday.Thank you for the nice comment
How can I purchase a stair basket.
We will have Robbie contact you about her stair baskets. Thanks for inquiring!
How can I buy the stair basket with Navy accent?
Tammy, thank you for your inquiry! Robbie will contact you by email.
Robbie, Glad to see that you are still weaving such beautiful baskets. My husband has retired and I finally have time to get back into Basketweaving. Just in case you don’t remember me, Jackie B., and I used to weave at the Kansas State Historical Society in Topeka. I now live in OP and am interested I joining a guild or finding people to weave with in Kansas. If you are interested in getting together,or know of any other weavers still weaving, please let me know. I am really not interested in selling my baskets, or taking classes, I am just looking to find other people to be inspired by, and hopefully inspire them a little. It is always more fu. To weave with people with the same interests. I assume you are still in Eudora. Please let me know what you think. sherry
Robbie, Do you know of any guilds currently operating in Ks. In case you don’t remember me, Jackie B and I used to demonstrate basket weaving at the Ks. State Museum of natural History. I am not interested in selling baskets or taking classes. I would just like a to have someone with like interests to inspire me, and hopefully that I can I inspire. Please let me know. Sherry
sherry your name sounds familar!! where do you live? thee is a basket weavers guild in Lawrence meets the 3 saturday each month at the senior center. or maybe we could weave together now and then if you like? Let me know..
Robbie, I currently live in Overland Park, previously, when we met, I lived in Topeka. Do you still live I Eudora? I would love to get together and weave with you, and or the group soon. I haven’t done any weaving for about twelve years. I,have seen you several times in the past at the Baldwin Maple Leaf Festival. I have moved all of my supplies numerous times. I am sure I have enough supplies to last a lifetime,ha. Is the senior center in Lawrence in the park on Mass. St.? What are they weaving this month,or does everyone just work on whatever? I look forward to renewing our friendship. Thank you, Sherry
Yes I do remember you … Yes I still live in Eudora. I dont go to the meetings anymore so dont know wat they are doing. I Go to Silver Dollar City every fall for the harvest festival. weave at home dont do very many shows anymore.maybe we can get to gether soon and visit and wo some weaving too sometime it would be fun .. Where is Jackie now? what is she doing? Good to hear from you!! Robbie