It’s My Princess’ 4th birthday today! Where has the time gone?
- She is the girliest tom boy I have ever met.
- She is only two inches shorter than her big brother who is almost two years older than her.
- She loves baby dolls, Barbies, princesses, and dancing.
- She loves playing dress up, Legos, and bad guys with her brother. Sometimes they don’t fight.
- Her favorite colors are pink and orange.
- She will eat just about anything and like it.
- She adores her little sister and causes all kinds of trouble with her, encouraging her to make Noah’s flood in the bathroom.
- She loves sandwich hugs between mommy and daddy, especially if she sees mommy and daddy hugging each other without her.
My 4th birthday was memorable for me. We were living in a yellow house. I had cupcakes that were set out in the shape of a 4. I opened my presents at the coffee table in the living room with my friends and family. I got a jean Blossom style hat, jean shorts, and a blue t-shirt among other things. My mom gave me a sewing basket that she made the cover for.
Last year I found this basket at my parent’s house. I realized that this year my daughter would be turning four and was so excited to find it at the perfect time. I knew I wanted to fix it up to give it to her on her birthday.
I took the fabric cover apart and recreated it for My Princess. Since she loves pink and orange, I choose new fabric to give it some new life.
I will keep the top of the basket cover as a keepsake, but I love that I am able to give the basket new life and pass it on to her.
I am also giving her my old china tea set for her birthday. Grandma decided that she needed a tablecloth and napkins to go with it.
I love turning keepsakes into gifts for my kids. It does no good for them to sit in a box or on a shelf collecting dust if my kids can play with them.
By the way, I started her drawn out birthday celebration last Saturday (my day off) with our anticipated “Birthday Breakfast Club with Pa.” (See my May 13, 2013 guest post.) We had french toast, biscuits and gravy, one egg over easy and bacon. She had apple juice and I had orange. We ate it all and she had most of the bacon! Then we bought a princess to fill her new cedar bunk bed I made just for the occasion. (It will be available on my Etsy site soon.) She sure is a sweetie!