Last weekend, I did something I have never done before using tools I have never used before…and had a blast! At our church, we have Royal Rangers and Mpact (which are similar to boy and girl scouts but connected to the church). Every year we do a Ranger Derby car race. Ninja Boy and Hubby have participated the last couple years, while I just sat back and watched the fun. I wasn’t planning to get involved this year. In fact, My Princess was finally old enough to make one, and Hubby took her to the car craft day without me. I was perfectly happy to let them because I was not interested at all.
After talking to our Royal Rangers Commander, he informed me that we were short on adult and girl racers. I thought about it a little and told my Hubby that I would do it…for the sake of the race, you know.
Little did I know that I would like using the power tools a little too much! Now, if you know me at all, you know that I like to try new ways of being crafty, but woodworking had never really entered my mind as something I would venture into anytime soon. Have to rethink that now! Good thing my dad has stocked his garage with numerous power tools in the last couple years.
Below are some pictures of my crafting day and the race night, maybe they will inspire you to try something completely new too! My car was far from perfect (I got second to last place in the adult races). However, I had a lot of fun making it, and you can be sure that I will be making one again next year! Only this time, I think I will go for speed rather than geekiness (in case you didn’t know, my car is a bow tie because bow ties are cool. I’m sorry if you don’t know what that means and mostly because you are missing out on Doctor Who awesomeness).

My Princess got first in her heat and 3rd overall in her age group. I got second to last in the adults. Ninja Boy got first place in his heat and second place in his age group, just barely beating his sister. My Hubby got third to last place in the adults, BUT he got the people’s choice award for craftsmanship in the adults with his Lego man.
I encourage you to try something new this week! Woodworking, sewing, crocheting, knitting, drawing, painting, cooking, etc. Whatever it is that you haven’t tried and maybe have wanted to do, just dive right in and try it.
What have you always wanted to do?