“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” -Albert Eisntein
Do you think that you have no creativity? I think you do. If you are intelligent at all, you have some form of creativity. Just let your intelligence have a little fun! If you want to be creative, you have to start somewhere. Maybe you are three (if you are and you can read this, you are amazing) or maybe you are fifty-three, but every creator has a beginning. I want to share with you My Princess’ beginning in the world of sewing. She doesn’t know much at all about it. However, she has a desire, and that is a pretty good place to start.
We were about to go to lunch for her great grandma’s birthday. My Princess kept asking if we were going to give her a present. I told her that taking her to lunch was her gift, and her little mind could not fathom not giving her an actual present. I told her that great grandma didn’t need anything, and she suggested we make something for her dog. I thought that was a great idea! She helped by drawing a pattern and, with help, created her first design. The bunny dog toy! She was so proud of her creation and talks about it still.
Now every time I am sewing, at some point she comes in and asks to stitch. We made her a little practice square using plastic canvas, yarn, and a tapestry needle. She loves to practice sewing!
Create something and be proud of it! Don’t compare yourself to someone else’s art. Look at it and remember that you did it yourself! That’s something to celebrate.