Joshua Becker begins his blog post at Becoming Minimalist today with this quote: “I challenge you to make your life the masterpiece you want to paint, the novel you want to read, the day you want to wake to.” ―Toni Sorenson … Continue reading
Last week we shared with you about a project called The Documented Life Project. Most of the people participating in that project are decorating their weekly planners with the challenges. Some are using the challenges as prompts for art journals … Continue reading
Step 1. Do something creative today. Step 2. Do something creative tomorrow. Step 3. Do something creative the next day. Step 4. Repeat steps 1-3. When I was in New York City last fall, I wandered into a store called … Continue reading
Before the kids came home for Christmas, I packed up most of the sewing/craft room to make room for it to be used as a bedroom again. I did not figure I would have much time for projects anyway! But … Continue reading
My daughter was given a maternity pea coat to help keep her and my new grandbaby warm through the rest of the winter. Problem was that it was not very warm and she did not want to spend the several … Continue reading
Christmas of 2013 is over. The kids have all gone back to their homes. Lots of fun memories… There was lots of laughter, lots of good healthy food, and lots of dirty dishes (thankful for a dishwasher!) We did not … Continue reading
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register. … Continue reading
At some point our kids decided that having the same kind of dinner for Christmas that we had at Thanksgiving was not very exciting. When the kids still lived at home, we started a Christmas dinner tradition that has continued … Continue reading
People spend hours (and usually money they can’t afford to spend) shopping for the perfect gifts to give to family members each Christmas. Then the day after Christmas, those family members spend hours in lines at the stores trying to … Continue reading
In some families, it is a tradition to receive new pajamas to wear to bed on Christmas Eve. Probably the people that started that tradition wanted to make sure the kids were dressed cute when they took pictures of them … Continue reading