Miss Tickles is 4 years old! I wanted to make her a new blanket for her birthday and had this cute flannel fabric for awhile. I thought the panda on it was so cute and wondered if I could … Continue reading
Tag Archives: flannel
Before the kids came home for Christmas, I packed up most of the sewing/craft room to make room for it to be used as a bedroom again. I did not figure I would have much time for projects anyway! But … Continue reading
In some families, it is a tradition to receive new pajamas to wear to bed on Christmas Eve. Probably the people that started that tradition wanted to make sure the kids were dressed cute when they took pictures of them … Continue reading
We have shared in the past that my youngest, Miss Tickles (who turned 2 on Thanksgiving! Happy Birthday!) is allergic to polyester. She needed a new coat, so her granny bought her a cute purple coat with butterflies on it … Continue reading
I have a secret…Shhh. I am not the best at sewing. I know, I know. You may think I am an expert. I mean I have a blog! I learned how to sew when I was a young girl. I … Continue reading
One of the common excuses I hear from people about sewing their own clothes for themselves or their kids is that they can buy an outfit from the store for cheaper than they can buy the fabric. Often that can … Continue reading