My grandkids always want to try what they see us creating and the results of our clay adventures looked enticing to them. Since the polymer clay requires hand strength to condition it (make it softer) I was not sure they would be able … Continue reading
The art challenge for week 48 in the Documented Life Project was to: “Depict Gratitude in a creative way.” Although every week should be a week of gratitude, this week is when those in the USA focus on gratitude with … Continue reading
The Documented Life Project challenge for week 47 was to: “Add a map of your town, state or country. Document about this map.” Jan: On my recent flight to NYC I was enjoying seeing the fall colors from above as we … Continue reading
The art challenge for week 46 of the Documented Life Project was: “Incorporate fabric onto your page.” Jan: Digging through a box of scrap fabric pieces I came across some fabric scraps that I had used a while back for feathers … Continue reading
The challenge of week 45 in the Documented Life Project was to: “Add a tab.” Jan: I drew a picture with graphite pencils of part of my computer with the “tab” key showing and then glued the cover and tab pages … Continue reading
The art challenge for week 44 of the Documented Life Project was to: “Incorporate leaves (real or drawn/painted) onto your page in a creative way.” Jan: Last spring I bought some new plants for a flower garden and was fascinated … Continue reading
The art challenge for the Documented Life Project for week 43 was to: “Sketch what you see right now.” Jan: Usually when the challenge is issued (on Saturdays), I read it but don’t always have opportunity to start the challenge right … Continue reading
I found a place that definitely has the button. Tucked away in a narrow brick building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan is an amazing shop named Tender Buttons that claims to be the “only shop in American devoted … Continue reading
Do you like to run? I mean as in running just to run, not as in being chased or trying to catch something? I had the honor of being in NYC this past weekend when around 50,000 people ran because … Continue reading
The art challenge for the Documented Life Project for week 42 was : “Stars”. Jan: I’ve been trying to add more watercolor practice into my creative exercises and decided to make a watercolor galaxy filled with stars for this challenge. While the … Continue reading