My seven year old granddaughter has declared she is going to be an artist when she grows up. Her favorite medium is watercolor. I declare she is an artist right now who will continue to hone her skills as she grows. She gets to spend one day a week this year doing watercolor with Grandma and we are both loving learning together. I shared a few posts ago how she got started with watercolor that you can read here.
I have a Skillshare membership and she has watched two classes with me. The first class we did together was called How to Paint Ice Lollies, taught by Sharone Stevens from the UK. We would normally call these popsicles, but we had so much fun painting them, we are now calling them “lollies”. After painting three lollies our mouths were watering and we had to take a break!

Each lollie was painted using a different texturing or blending effect, so it was a great project for learning different ways to use watercolor.

And here are my lollies!

The second class we did together was called Learn to Paint a Galah in Watercolor, by Louise De Masi. The galah is a beautiful bird in Austraila. This project took a couple of sessions for us to complete, but we both ended up with beautiful bird paintings. We each learned more watercolor techniques in the process.

Since I am usually taking photos of her with her paintings, she wanted to take a picture of me with mine!

Both Skillshare teachers gave easy to follow instructions and demonstrated very clearly what they were doing. The lessons are divided into shorter video segments. I look forward to taking more of the classes offered by these two wonderful ladies. Skillshare classes are available covering many subjects. If you are looking for instruction and inspiration to kickstart your creative juices or to learn a new skill, check it out!
(Disclaimer: I don’t receive any compensation for recommending Skillshare. But if someday, I decide to teach a class of my own, I could make money teaching at Skillshare!)
UPDATE! As of Feb 2020, I am teaching on Skillshare. You can take my class and watch thousands of other classes free for two months when you sign up through this link.