“Recycle, Reduce, Reuse…and close the loop”
Do you remember that song?? That’s what I keep singing in my head as I write this post.
Repurposing is such a popular thing these days. We think this is great for several reasons: When you reuse something, you reduce waste, save money, support a good cause, and have a greater chance of having something unique in your home or wardrobe that no one else will have!
This is part three of our talk on fabric. Our first two focused on new fabrics from fabric stores and clothing stores. Today we get to talk about repurposing fabric that has already been gently used by someone else.
Do you have any coins lying around in a jar somewhere? Well, put them in a baggy and head out on a weekend for your next fabric shopping trip. You can’t get too far with a few quarters when you go to a fabric store, but you can get a lot more out of your money when you are getting something used. Mom and I recently used a Saturday to go on a fabric hunt at thrift stores and garage sales. Just like in the post about buying fabric at the clothing store, you have to put on a different perspective and look at things a little creatively. Use your creativity to imagine, not what something already looks like, but what it COULD look like!
Buying something from a thrift store can often feel like you aren’t spending any money at all. For example, I often go to our Library thrift store. I get to support our local library that is funded only through the community and get a great deal on fabric too! Most thrift stores support some kind of cause or charity. If you buy something at a garage sale, you get to support a family that might be going through some hard times or just need some extra cash to help them with a project they are trying to fund.
For a few quarters, you can get yards of fabric for a project. Like this cotton flannel blanket and pillowcase that we bought for $1.50 and this pink skirt with fun detailing for $2:

The flannel is going to be perfect for a sleep sack and the pink skirt could become an adorable sundress for the girls.
or thrift store shirts and sweaters that were purchased for a $1 or less each:
Reusing something that is already made helps the environment by eliminating waste and saving resources that would be used to make something new. Craft for a cause the next time you buy your fabric supplies by shopping at a thrift store or garage sale.
Are you a garage sale/thrift store pro or newbie?
Check out all the Let’s Talk Fabric posts: