It’s handy to surf the web looking at pictures of art when you want to get inspired for your own creative works. You can even take virtual tours of some of the art museums around the world from the comfort of your own home. But you definitely get a different feel for the art when you are walking through a large gallery room seeing the works of art in person. Yesterday my mom and I had the opportunity to visit the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, AR. The buildings themselves are unique works of architecture, adding to the feeling of being in a special place. Nestled in the beautiful Ozark mountains, the museum also has over three miles of outside trails with various sculptures to observe. We happened to visit on a rainy afternoon, so the trails will have to wait for another visit.
I thought I would take you on a little tour…Now that you’ve had a sneak peek, make plans to visit Crystal Bridges yourself! If you don’t live near, check out the art museums closer to you. Even if you are not up on your art history, or don’t think you like certain styles of art works, keep an open mind as you visit an art museum. Look at color composition, details, lack of details, how light is represented, how different types of mediums are used, types of brush strokes, look at the works from far away and up close. You just might learn things that will help you with your own creative endeavors. Take yourself on an art date!