The Documented Life Project challenge for week 36 was simply: “Black and white.”
When I did this post on using leaves for gelli printing, I played around with using just black and white paint. I really liked how some of the prints turned out and thought I would just use one of those for this challenge. In that post I mentioned not throwing away prints that did not turn out quite like you wanted because you could always use parts of those prints for other projects in collage, card making, and so on. So instead of just using one of the prints I liked, I cut parts of leaves out of the prints that did not turn out as well overall. I then collaged those pieces together on card stock. I cut thin strips of black and white paper to frame the seams of the papers in the collage. Because the leaf print pieces came from different gelli prints, it gave a nice variation.
I searched “black and white” on Pinterest and came across this black and white photograph. I can’t seem to find the original source, so if you know what it is please let me know so I can credit it.
I used the new white pen I got for the next weeks challenge and did my own version.