Today’s post is written by a good friend, Kathy Osenga. When she shared with me the experience of healing that was taking place in her life through the creation of a special gift, I asked if she would be willing to share her story with you.
I know how to begin this post, ”Christmas 2013 was on the way and my hubby (Papa Rick) and I had committed to MAKE gifts for our 6 grandchildren,” but I’m uncertain how it will end for I have now discovered not only a love for being creative but also the love that flows through being creative to touch others.
Our 10 year old granddaughter, Princess, wanted a bed for her American Girl doll. Specifically, a bed she had picked out in the American Girl Store in St. Louis. Armed with a few pictures and some measurements, Papa Rick crafted a fantastic replica of her heart’s desire. Next it was up to me to create the beaded “curtains,” canopy, and bedding. The goal was to match Princess’ own bedding which her Nana and I had made. With fabric scraps in hand, I unsuccessfully attempted to purchase pre-strung “70’s” style beads. It became obvious that I was going to get to string the beads myself. So with the days already full I found myself stringing beads, creating patterns in pink, black, and crystal, late into the night.
As I added beads, I thought of the beautiful little girl I love so very much and imagined the joy I hoped to see on her face. However, I found my thoughts turning to my own childhood where there were no warm “grandma memories.” I couldn’t even remember receiving a single gift from either grandmother–just vague, unemotional, indifferent women. Definitely not what I had anticipated when I took on this project!
Over the next few weeks as I worked intensely to create Princess’ “perfect” gift, joy surged with each “darling” finished piece. But the negative memories kept coming. Tears flowed, and I saw the source of my own silent struggle with being a “good Grammy” to the six special blessings in my life.
I began to pray with each finished piece that Princess would feel a Grandmother’s love each time she looked at her gift. With each finished piece, something began to happen in me too–a healing and soothing of the past took the place of pain, and a confident hope for my sweet grandchildren and the generations to the follow rose up in me. The old dysfunctional relationships had been cut off and a new legacy begun. The gift was an outpouring of my love through creating that would now be passed on.
Who knew that unleashing the creativity God placed within us could be such a powerful agent of love and healing.
That’s beautiful, Kathy, your story and the bed.
I am truly thankful to the owner of this website who has shared this wonderful piece of writing at here.