Last Christmas, I made baby doll carriers for our two year old granddaughters who love playing with their baby dolls and whose mommies were both having babies in the coming months. I knew that when the babies arrived my daughters would be “wearing” their babies in their Ergo carriers, and the girls would want to do the same with their dolls. The baby doll carriers were a hit. When Songbird was flying back home after Christmas, she was adorable wearing her baby through the airport terminal. For the first outing after Songbird’s baby brother arrived, she proudly wore her baby just like mommy.After making a few baby doll carriers for gifts, we decided it was time to make the pattern available to others to sew for their little ones to enjoy. You can now purchase our pattern in our Etsy shop!
Last week we headed over to our local college, College of the Ozarks, to shoot some photos of the kids with their doll carriers. It’s a beautiful place for taking a walk and ended up being a nice field trip experience for the kids. As we were walking, the supervisor of the dairy barn drove by and asked if the kids wanted to see the baby calves. We got to see a baby calf that was only 3 days old. We found out that they feed the calves at 5 am and 5 pm, and they welcome visitors to come help feed the calves their bottles. We plan to make that another field trip soon! Melinda and I both graduated from this college and forget that we have a wealth of field trips available so close to us. If you live nearby, here are some of the things you can do while visiting the campus.
In the lobby of one of the buildings there is a fountain with a huge sculpture of the world with the continents. Ninja Boy liked learning what the continents were as he walked around the world, and Miss Tickles was mesmerized watching the fountain.
A new playground built for the new lab school attracted the kids attention.The swans at the lake had to come see what the kids had to offer and followed us all around the lake hoping for food.
Ninja Boy decided he wanted to model the carrier. After all, he’s seen his dad “wear” each of his siblings when they were babies.
He’s going to be an awesome daddy someday!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our photo shoot field trip and are ready to make a baby doll carrier for someone you love. You can purchase it here. And remember your purchase is supporting a great cause– us!