Do you remember the story of the blind men and the elephant? Each man felt a certain part of the elephant and thought the elephant consisted only of the part he felt. If you want a refresher on the story, … Continue reading
Disclaimer: We are attending a homeschool conference this weekend. My three kids were homeschooled and my grandchildren are being homeschooled, or “life-schooled” as we like to call it. So our slant is favorable to alternative ways of educating our children! … Continue reading
I wonder what would happen to the water, if you get a washcloth very wet and wring it out? Well, that’s not to hard to figure out! The water will fall out of the washcloth and onto the floor or … Continue reading
It’s spring and I am fascinated with all the flowers blooming. I’ve always loved flowers, but this year is the first in a long time that I am able to watch the progress each day around my yard as they … Continue reading
Just so you don’t think Melinda and I only work with fabric (we love all kinds of creative crafting), I am going to show you what I transformed from a store clearance, after Christmas purchase. The purchase I made was … Continue reading
Wondering: Desire or be curious to know something. When was the last time you spent “wondering“… You probably don’t remember asking question after question when you were a preschooler, but if you’ve had kids, you know. Not long after they … Continue reading
On Sunday, my church was decorated with dresses, made by the young girls in church, for a special project in their Wednesday night classes. They had taken pillowcases and transformed them into dresses for little girls in Africa. The dresses … Continue reading
“She turned to the sunlight And shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbor: “Winter is dead.” ~A.A. Milne It’s spring in the Ozarks! So what do you see… Not much until you stop and look more closely … Continue reading
Remember these? In this day of all manner of technological devices at our fingertips, many of us probably seldom pick up a pen or pencil. We type on the computer keyboard and chase an arrow around the screen with our … Continue reading