When we found out that Ninja Boy also had a polyester allergy like Miss Tickles, we went through all of his clothes and got rid of anything 100% or part polyester. Unfortunately, this meant that we had to toss the favorite Lego Star Wars pj’s. I felt terrible and promised him that I would somehow replace them. It was bad enough that we were dealing with this allergy issue but to then have to get rid of his favorite pj’s! Torture!
It took me awhile to get it done, but I finally made good on my promise and replaced the pj’s with some t-shirts.
I found a big boy sized t-shirt that had nine Lego Star Wars characters on it. Then I bought a package of plain white t-shirts. I cut out the circles, and using some heat and bond, attached the circles to the shirt. I applique stitched around the circle with the sewing machine to keep them secure and finish off the look.
He now has three new shirts in place of those pj’s and the possibility of a couple more if I get around to it!