On Sunday night, Melinda and I hosted our first Creative Workshop. Everyone had a great time and we hope it is the beginning of many more to come. We started with an activity to get the creative juices flowing by embellishing a Declaration of Creativity. You can find your own copy to print off and decorate here.
Each one is quite unique. Here are the beautiful Declarations of Creativity:
While the ladies were finishing their Declarations of Creativity, they chose the ingredients for their own smoothie creations for Melinda and I to whip up. Check out the pretty designs the smoothies made in the blender!
The ladies were asked to bring some garments they wanted to transform. As each garment was brought out we all brainstormed about the possibilities each item could be transformed into. It’s amazing what ideas come out! Here are a few that got completed.The back of the yellow shirt became the needed extension for the striped under skirt. The shoulder straps (which included the beads) of the shirred top were sewn together and became the bow on the skirt (with a button added for center of bow.)
No sewing required on this one! The sleeves were cut off and a ribbon threaded through the back to tighten it up and give it some shape.
We can’t wait to plan more workshops. Let us know if you’d like to be included!