The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes…
~John 3:8
We have the advantage now of technology to help us see where the wind is coming from and where it goes. I came across this map that was put together as an art project showing in motion graphics the location and direction of the wind across the United States in near real time. It is fascinating to watch and if you look at the map at different times of the day, the wind patterns can look totally different each time.
After I showed the map to Melinda the other day, she was doodling with the kid’s markers and decided to draw a doodle inspired by the wind map.After picking all the rest of my garden produce this evening (lots of green tomatoes and small peppers) because the forecast says freezing tonight, I decided to pull up the wind map and see where all that cold air is coming from. Well, I know where it is coming from because I used to live up north in it, but I wanted to see what the map looked like. A unique looking wind pattern caught my eye near Chicago. It reminded me of an exotic bird. (And look at all that massive cold air blasting into the midwest!)
I decided to doodle a design inspired by the wind map. Here’s my exotic bird:
Pull up the wind map on your computer and grab a pencil, markers, or crayons. What do you see in the wind? Be inspired and have fun doodling!