I am back home again after spending a few weeks with these superheroes.
I was proud to once again cheer my daughter on as she ran her second NYC Marathon. She makes it look so easy!
And she shaved 39.5 minutes off last year’s time. Way to go, Kara!
I spent many hours coloring and drawing pictures with my grandkids and coloring the walls (not with my grandkids!) The kids just had moved into a new apartment and my main goal to accomplish while there was to paint their walls for them. Mission almost accomplished. Songbird doesn’t want plain walls in her room— she is asking for a mural. Sounds like a fun challenge for Grandma next trip!
We enjoyed a fun girl’s night out watching Disney On Ice. Kara and I had as much fun watching Songbird’s face enraptured with every scene as we did watching the skating. When scenes from the movie Frozen were performed on the ice, we were thrilled to hear thousands of sweet little voices all across the arena belting out each song along with the performers.
My sister from Colorado came to NYC on a business trip and afterward, she and I took Songbird on an adventure by bus to visit our sister in Pennsylvania for a few days. My sister just happens to live close to the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA. If you ever have opportunity to visit, I highly recommend it— and you don’t even need to have a kid with you to spend a day playing and creating—but it helps! We all had a great time.
The creating continued when we returned to my sister’s house…
My granddaughter has the best outlook on life. For her everyday is the BEST DAY EVER!
When her great aunt said, “But you told me yesterday was the best day ever and the day before that was the best day ever,” she replied, “Everyday is the best day ever!” She reminds me of my grandmother who lived to the age of 97 years. Anytime someone would ask her what day it was, she answered, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”
When I returned to NYC, my son, Daniel, who also happened to be in the city on business, took me on a date to the Metropolitan Opera.
I am a blessed mom and grandma.