The art challenge for week 12 of the Documented Life Project 2015 was “As a Focal Point” with the journal prompt, “Coming into Focus”. The phrase focal point means the center of interest or activity. So in an art piece, the focal point should be what your eyes are drawn to first.
I combined two gelli prints from my experimenting with threads and fabric for the background of my page. One print reminded me of trees and the other a fence. The flowers were punched from another gelli print. I added bark, limbs, and leaves to one tree with torn book paper. Doodles to add emphasis and focus were added with a black marking pen.
I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a post from a beautiful friend that inspired me to do this for my focus page. She is such a positive person, and I loved what she wrote about the lines across her face from the blinds being her “war paint.” People are often too quick to put on war paint to fight each other. I want to put on sunshine and a positive attitude to wage against the things I don’t like.
My Princess:
Ninja Boy: