For years I have made refrigerator pickles from the following recipe. It’s from one of those fundraiser cookbooks where everyone in an organization contributes favorite recipes.
They were super simple to make and tasted delicious. Since I have cut out using white refined sugar in my cooking, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make these pickles any more. When the one cucumber plant that actually grew in my garden decided to start producing, I wondered how I was going to use cucumbers in other ways besides chopped up on salads. Melinda challenged me to try to make my favorite pickle recipe more healthy. We decided to use honey instead of sugar and less of it as well.
So here’s the new version for Healthy Refrigerator Pickles:
8 cups sliced cucumbers
1-2 onions, sliced thinly
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup honey
2 tbsp sea salt
1 tps celery seed
Heat the honey and vinegar in saucepan over medium low heat to melt the honey. Layer the cucumbers, onions, salt and celery seed in large jar until full (or you could make in large covered bowl.) Pour the hot honey/vinegar mixture into the jar. Refrigerate and eat when cool (but taste even better after 2-3 days.) Will keep in refrigerator for many weeks. They turned out great! And because I know they are more healthy, I think they taste even better than before. If you like sweet pickles, give this recipe a try. It just might become one of your favorites too!
Thank you for this recipe (again). I went to the C of O Farmers Mkt this a.m. and bought several cucumbers. Now I will try the pickles.
I made a half batch of the pickles with your healthy recipe. My family would not even try them. Yeah! More for me! Yum.