I am not always able to draw every day. I would love to be able to, and maybe someday that will fit in my world. But until then, I try to draw as much as I can when I have a moment for it. For awhile, I have kept to drawing things that I see in a picture that I have taken or that I have seen online.
Here’s is one I did a few weeks ago real quick as I watched a show with my hubby.
One day, I came across the drawings of Curtis Wiklund. He did a project awhile back where he posted a drawing every day. Since then, he still posts but less consistently. I think his drawings are adorable. I loved that each one of them was unique. Sometimes they were pen and pencil drawings, and sometimes they were drawn on his tablet. Some of them look full and complete, and some of them are half stick drawings. I am just impressed that he stuck with it. I get stuck sometimes thinking that I had to draw something perfectly in order for it to count. I know that if I let perfection stop me from drawing, I will never improve.
I love the pictures he draws of his family. I let that inspire me to draw what was happening at the time. So this is what I drew while we drove down the road in our RV. . .

We had a weekend trip in our RV for a church service and stayed in a different place every night. It was fun to have a new front yard every day.
I have been wanting to try a one line drawing lately. So since I was inspired, I thought I would give it a go.
As I can, I will keep drawing because I know that is the only way to get better. And I know sometimes I will start drawings that never get finished, but that’s ok.