Documented Life Project- Week 26

The challenge for Week 26 in the Documented Life Project was to “Add a Bible verse that inspires you  – or a line from your favorite book.”

The verse I used is from Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” I wrote the verse on card stock with a marker and used metallic silver thread to machine stitch music staff lines. I cut treble clef and bass clef symbols as well as a few notes from card stock, filled them in with black marker and glued them in place.DLP-Week-26-JMelinda:

I had gelli printed my background a few weeks ago in preparation for the gratitude post, however, I didn’t want to use it for that page. I thought I should use it for my verse. I have had a hard time layering on my pages lately and wanted to work on that with this one. I used some zentangle as inspiration for my flowers. Then I used a cookie cutter as a stencil for the butterfly. I was happy with using more color this time too!DLP-Week-26-M


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