Need a quick gift tag for a package? Look in your cupboard for your cookie cutters. Unless you bake a lot of cookies, they probably sit in the back of your cupboard hardly ever used. You can probably put them to use more often as stencils for crafting projects. A big tub of cookie cutters is also more economical than purchasing crafting stencils. Melinda got this big tub of 100 cookie cutters for $10.
You can trace the edges of the cookie cutter onto the back of scrapbook paper, cut out the shape, and then embellish the front (if you have time). Write on the tag and tape it to your present. The recipient of your gift will think you are amazingly creative!
Here are a few tags we made and added a some ribbons, buttons, beads and wood cutouts to embellish them.
Special thanks to a friend (you know who you are) for this wonderful suggestion!