The challenge for week 13 for the Documented Life Project was to: “Ask someone else to draw on your page – finish it.”
Since I am visiting my 2 year old Songbird right now, I decided to ask her to draw on my page. Here is what she gave me to work with:After spending a day pondering what I could make from her drawing, the image of a guy surfing a wave began to appear. I used watercolor pencils to color in the lines she had drawn and added a little extra ocean as well as a quote that went well with the picture.
When I had the time to work on this page, all my kids were asleep and my hubby was out working. So, I decided to rifle through the stacks and stacks of kids drawings we have around the house to see what I could find to use. I had a hard time finding one I was willing to cut up for my page until I came across this one by Miss Tickles. I knew she wouldn’t mind as much as my other two.
This is a picture of her “circles” that she has started drawing lately. I wanted to preserve the “toddlerness” of her picture so I just added some toddler rules and a stamp. This is as much a keepsake as it is an art page.