Latches and locks can be fascinating to curious little munchkins and provide puzzles for them to discover how they work. On the surface they may appear to be playing, but they are really trying to figure out how to get into something they … Continue reading
Category Archives: Creative Inspiration
Our daughter sent my husband a text last month asking, “Can you whittle a few birthday candles for Songbird? She loves playing birthday parties and I let her use candles but they break.” So Pa found a piece of scrap … Continue reading
Today, we are happy to have Jan’s husband, Tom Johnson, share a guest post. He is a wonderful husband, dad, accomplished entertainer, actor, singer, and musician, all around fix-it guy, remodeler, furniture builder, biker, and most of all–his grandkids adore … Continue reading
Over the years we have accumulated many crayons, and over time, they inevitably get broken. As I am sure you know, it is way more fun to color with fresh new crayons than broken ones. So these poor lonely crayons … Continue reading
We have one more crafter to share with you from our visit to the Harvest Festival. As we wandered around the booths at Silver Dollar City, some beautiful and unique rugs caught our attention. This particular one was 65 years … Continue reading
I found a place that definitely has the button. Tucked away in a narrow brick building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan is an amazing shop named Tender Buttons that claims to be the “only shop in American devoted … Continue reading
Do you like to run? I mean as in running just to run, not as in being chased or trying to catch something? I had the honor of being in NYC this past weekend when around 50,000 people ran because … Continue reading
I am fascinated with watercolor paintings. When we met Darla Zook at the Harvest Festival at Silver Dollar City this fall, she was bubbling over with enthusiasm to share her love of watercolor. She truly exuded something Melinda and I … Continue reading
Inspiration is not always something that naturally begins within us. Do you often feel stuck when it comes to starting a project? Do you stare blankly at the page or fabric and feel absolutely uncreative? Just because you feel this … Continue reading
Now that it is fall, Mom and I decided to take another trip to Silver Dollar City to meet some new and old friends from the crafters that set up booths for the fall festival. We got to talk to Dennis … Continue reading