Sounds like a new recipe doesn’t it? Well, there is a recipe involved but you won’t want to eat it. But it can become addictive. On some of the comments on the Documented Life Project Facebook page, I was noticing … Continue reading
Category Archives: Blog
Mom, thankfully, has been keeping things going with the blog lately while my family has been having all kinds of adventures. You can find out all about that at Four Point Families. Well, things have settled down a little while … Continue reading
This week doodling was given a little press in the news. You can watch the CBS News report here. Though the dictionary may define doodling asĀ “drawing made absentmindedly” according to the news report, Sunni Brown, the author of The Doodle … Continue reading
In case you missed previous posts, Melinda and I are participating in The Documented Life Project challenges. Feel free to join us! Week 2 Challenge was to incorporate a selfie in the challenge, by taking a photo and printing it, … Continue reading
Talk about a crazy week! This week included making curtains and cushion covers, finishing up an RV makeover, getting a crown replaced on a tooth because the recently installed crown broke in half, dealing with identity theft fraud for a … Continue reading
Last week we shared with you about a project called The Documented Life Project. Most of the people participating in that project are decorating their weekly planners with the challenges. Some are using the challenges as prompts for art journals … Continue reading
Step 1. Do something creative today. Step 2. Do something creative tomorrow. Step 3. Do something creative the next day. Step 4. Repeat steps 1-3. When I was in New York City last fall, I wandered into a store called … Continue reading
When I saw this picture on Jon Acuff’s Pinterest, I thought it was about decluttering. I clicked because I am all about minimizing our stuff and thought, “Cool, a challenge to empty a shelf and get rid of stuff.” To … Continue reading
Before the kids came home for Christmas, I packed up most of the sewing/craft room to make room for it to be used as a bedroom again. I did not figure I would have much time for projects anyway! But … Continue reading
My daughter was given a maternity pea coat to help keep her and my new grandbaby warm through the rest of the winter. Problem was that it was not very warm and she did not want to spend the several … Continue reading