Ninja Boy has had the same lamp in his room since he was a baby. There were actually two identical lamps. It was fine for a new baby boy–soft green lamp in a room painted bright lime green with blue, green, and yellow blocks on one wall. Well, sister came along, and Ninja Boy got to move into a new room painted blue with a couple of walls in stripes of navy, light blue, and white. Since there were two lamps, one stayed in sister’s room and one went with Ninja Boy. Since this is Boys Week at In A tickle, we decided his lamp needed a makeover. He loves Legos®, so we decided to try stamping the lampshade with the backs of different size Legos® with red and blue paint.
I brushed the paint onto the back of the Lego® and stamped it onto the lampshade. Since the shade was not a hard surface, I had to press from the back side with my other hand in order for the stamp to leave a complete impression. I made a different design on each side of the shade (why make it the same when you can’t see all sides at once anyway). I painted the base of the lamp with the same shade of blue craft paint and sprayed with acrylic finish. Now Ninja Boy has a Lego® lamp to shine over his creations when he gets inspired to create in the dark.
Be watching in the future for an upgrade to the identical lamp in the girls’ room. My Princess insisted hers be painted too.
And don’t forget about our Christmas Giveaway!
Ends Midnight September 25, 2013 **CLOSED**
We want to give one of you lucky readers a [FREE] Christmas Advent Calendar Pattern! All you have to do is comment on the original post with a valid email address and tell us your favorite family Christmas tradition. Your name will be entered into the drawing for a chance to win.
Winner will be emailed and must respond within 48 hours or the prize will be passed on to the next person.