A unique tutorial caught my eye using a process I’d not tried, so I ordered it. My granddaughter had recently asked if we could try doing something artistic in acrylic paints instead of watercolor. We both enjoyed making the In the Garden Tunnel Book following the tutorial by Kelly Hoernig. I’ll show you our finished projects and you can buy her tutorial to try it yourself!
These are my finished pages…

After painting the book in acrylic paints, I decided to try the same basic process in watercolor. The following are my pages comparing the two- with acrylic on the left and watercolor on the right. I really like the backgrounds we learned to do with the acrylic paint.

The following are my granddaughter’s completed book pages. She sewed the pages together to make the book and did all of the cutting by herself enjoying all of the process. However, when finished she said she wanted to go back to watercolor because it was so much easier! The acrylic paint was thinned down with water to make it more transparent for this project, but we both agreed we liked being able to blend colors with watercolor paints much better than acrylic.

The tunnel book was fun and I encourage you to purchase Kelly’s tutorial and try it yourself!