Daisies are my favorite flower. Last year I planted a small shasta daisy in my garden. It produced a couple blossoms. This year it shot up tall and was loaded with blossoms. Every time I walked by it brought a smile to my face.

After a rain shower, all the little water drops were clinging to the petals.

I want to learn how to paint white flowers and decided this was a good subject. I decided to only paint half a flower and this is the result:

After letting it set for a few days, it seems too dark on the flowers shadows behind the main flower and too pale on the main flower. Since I’m trying to learn, I decided rather than starting over I would see what would happen making changes on this painting. So I lifted some of the shadow color with a damp brush and darkened the shadows on the main flower and water drops. Now I think I went too far in darkening!

I like parts of each one, but neither one grabs me. Time to keep practicing and learning!
And with all the extremely hot days we’ve had for weeks, the daisies are long gone.