Documented Life Project challenge for week 29 was to “Make a wish list – draw pictures or cut out images from magazines.”
There seems to be a lot of variations based off of the old nursery rhyme that starts out, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride …” Fish don’t appear to be part of that original nursery rhyme, but I found many endings to the phrase “If wishes were fishes…” I decided to stick with the beginning of that phrase and let my picture tell the rest. I gelli printed the background to look like water. Using a stamp I made from craft foam, I stamped several fish in the water in various paint colors and then gelli printed some additional waves over the fish. I cut fish shapes out of magazine pages and glued them to card stock to make them more sturdy. On the back of each fish I wrote a wish. I attached a net bag (from fruit produce) to the background and glued my fish inside the bag.
I wanted to draw my wish. We have the van, but we are hoping for the travel trailer to take our family on our trips for our ministry. I sketched first with pencil, then drew with a black Micron pen and colored it in with colored pencil. I’m trying to get myself to be ok with drawing things even without taking too much time for realism or detail and just letting myself sketch.