Documented Life Project- Week 17

The art challenge for Week 17 in The Documented Life Project was: “Photograph or draw your favorite shoes.”

When I first read this challenge, I wanted to skip it. Shoes are not a favorite thing for me. I have very few shoes and wear the ones I get until they die. I dread shopping for shoes when they need to be replaced. In order to make the sale, shoes have to feel wonderful on my feet at first try on. They need to make me feel as though I could wear them all day long and never make my feet (or legs) hurt. It’s hard to find shoes that look nice and fit my criteria.

The weather has finally agreed that we can pull the sandals out of the hidden corner of the closet, so I decided I would draw a sandal from a pair I have owned for several years (I’m hoping they don’t die this summer). I’ve been wanting to do more sketching and this was a good challenge to sketch a black sandal and try to get the detail to show up.DLP-Week-17-J


Mom’s first paragraph is pretty much the way I feel. I hate shoes, and if I can help it, I don’t wear them. When I was a little girl, I would take me shoes off as soon as we got somewhere. My parents finally got me to start at least leaving them by the door instead of wherever throughout the house. I still do that to this day.

So when I saw this challenge, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. The words I wrote on my page kept going through my head, and I decided to just draw my feet. I had seen mom’s page and was inspired to sketch as well. Still learning, but I do enjoy sketching and want to do more soon.


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