My girls are at the ages where they still get excited to dress alike. So when I started making a dress for My Princess and decided to use some of the fabric for a coordinating outfit for Miss Tickles, they … Continue reading
Category Archives: Blog
The art challenge for week 12 of the Documented Life Project 2015 was “As a Focal Point” with the journal prompt, “Coming into Focus”. The phrase focal point means the center of interest or activity. So in an art piece, … Continue reading
If you loved to paint and lost your eyesight, would that stop you from painting? It didn’t stop this man. Sargy Mann’s story will inspire you to move beyond whatever you consider a block to your creative expression. He just … Continue reading
The theme for March was “Making Marks” using doodles and marks such as stamps in the Documented Life Project. The art challenge for week 11 was borders and the journal prompt: “Borderline feels like I’m going to lose my mind.” … Continue reading
Each month the Documented Life Project issues a new overall theme for the weekly art challenges. For March the theme was “making your mark” with doodles and mark making. We were both a little challenged by this– perhaps because Melinda … Continue reading
Through a free online course offered through Craftsy called, 2015 Block of the Month, I am learning how to make a different quilt block every month. In January, I made a block pattern called “May Basket”. For February, two quilt block … Continue reading
Gelli printing is a wonderful means to producing unique backgrounds for use with other art mediums or for creating your own paper to use in mixed media collage, card making, or scrapbooking. I enjoy experimenting with various items around my house … Continue reading
Mixed media art is challenging for those of us who tend to choose one type of art medium to work with for a particular project. The challenge for week nine of the Documented Life Project was to use at least five layers … Continue reading
The challenge for week 8 in the Documented Life Project was “Repeating Elements” and the journal prompt was, “It’s Worth Repeating.” Jan: Last year I started learning to knit while visiting my daughter for the birth of her son. She taught me how … Continue reading
Latches and locks can be fascinating to curious little munchkins and provide puzzles for them to discover how they work. On the surface they may appear to be playing, but they are really trying to figure out how to get into something they … Continue reading