Documented Life Project- Week 32

The Documented Life Project challenge for week 32 was to “Incorporate a Fortune from a Fortune Cookie.”

I had not been to a restaurant that served fortune cookies for a long time and had no plans to the week of this challenge. Instead, I bought a small box of fortune cookies at the grocery store and had a whole pile of fortunes. Since I want to practice sketching skills, a pile of fortune cookies looked like a good opportunity for sketching shapes and shadows. I cut out the sketch and glued it to black paper for a border. The fortunes from the cookies were glued to black background paper and I wrote more fortunes across the background with a white pen.DLP-Week-32-JMelinda:

I was looking through my scrapbook papers for a different project and found one covered in fortune cookies and fortunes. I cut out the fortunes to use for my page. I started looking through google images for Chinese things to give me some inspiration. I saw a lot of bowls, so I used some gelli printed paper and cut out and decorated a bowl shape. I started laying out the fortune papers and they made me think of steam rising from the bowl (though they are more like fat noodles being dropped into the bowl). I cut out thin black strips of paper to be chop sticks.


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