Yesterday was Father’s Day. So while Pa was away at work, the girls made a gift for their dad with their kids. The six grandkids gave them a hand (pun intended) with this piece of art for their Pa.
Whenever the kids come over while Pa is home, he welcomes with a “who’s at my house?” or a “hello, Droops!” So Pa’s Droops were excited to give him their gift as soon as he got home from work.
With the rainbow of colors, he will always know who’s handprint is whose because the colors coordinate with the oldest to youngest grandkid. (The babies gave Pa some nice knuckles for their contribution.)
As the “Pa” recipient of this wonderful piece of art, I want to publicly attest to its wonderful beauty. It is hanging on the wall in the dining room for all to see. Couldn’t be more proud of it and the creativity that went into it. Thanks to my awesome daughters for this awesome gift!