Mom, thankfully, has been keeping things going with the blog lately while my family has been having all kinds of adventures. You can find out all about that at Four Point Families.
Well, things have settled down a little while we hang out with family between speaking engagements. During that time, we have been doing a lot of coloring. And not just my kids. Our adopted daughter, Jessi, has been getting into it, and then my hubby’s cousin, Josh, decided to join the fun.
While we were all sitting at the table with the coloring books and crayons spread around us, Josh issued a challenge to whoever would accept it. He challenged someone to color a whole picture using only one color. I got excited about that and accepted right away.
Josh chose the color black for me to color with so I went hard core and chose the most colorful style of coloring book as a contrast.
Grayscale unicorn coming right up.
It was a great challenge because it made me think more strategically about shading and to give dynamics to the picture even without the color.
I loved this challenge so much, I decided to do another picture. This time I chose a blue color for myself.
After my success with the challenge, everyone else decided to join the fun.
Here is Jessi’s first attempt (she did a couple more after this):
This is a fun and easy challenge to get your mind thinking about coloring in a whole new way. Practice your shading techniques and tap into your inner child.
Happy coloring!