No matter what skill level you are in your creative endeavors, you can always learn something new from others. I enjoy trying new classes on Skillshare. Not long ago, my granddaughter and I took a class from Mary Evelyn Tucker on Skillshare to learn to paint a cat. Painting animals has been much more intimidating to me, but I am determined to learn. Mary Evelyn is a great artist and wonderful teacher. We learned new techniques and had fun in the process.
I pretty happy with my cat!

Below is my granddaughter’s cat painting:

And the most fun thing about doing this tutorial is that Mary Evelyn has a studio not far from us and we got to visit her studio!

Check out Mary Evelyn’s class called: Watercolor- Let’s Paint a Cat! on Skillshare.
Just to show you how much we learned from her….here is a picture of the paintings we did last fall of a sweet cat we had with us for a short amount of time. We plan to try doing paintings of her again after what we have learned! Mine is on the left and my granddaughter’s is on the right.

A few days ago we took the first part of another class on Skillshare from Cat Coquillette called: Painting Fruits & Florals in Watercolor with a Modern Twist. The first lesson was to paint a watermelon, hibiscus flower and banana leaf, learning how to simplify a reference photo image.
This is my painting:

I found an image of an ice cream cone with chocolate ice cream and decided to try Cat’s techniques on a painting of an ice cream cone. Only I like mint chocolate chip better, so made my own ice cream!

My granddaughter finished her lesson and decided to try her own composition of fruits on her own:

We plan to try the rest of the lessons in Cat’s class on Painting Fruits & Florals in Watercolor with a Modern Twist in our next painting session together.
Check out Skillshare and see what new skills you can learn. I have a class on there as well you might enjoy called Watercolor: Stain Glass Inspired Painting! Use this link for a free trial!